The local child support agencies (LCSAs) have groups on their behalf lobbying for laws to make their jobs easier. We cannot necessarily blame them. They just have too many cases with dwindling budgets. These laws are often intended to make the handling the tens of thousands of cases that they have more automated. Automation, however, does not necessarily mean that the public gets a better product.
One area that we have been researching, and we have noticed is wrought with problems, is with regards to original judgments entered by LCSAs.
The way it is supposed to work is this:
When they serve you with the complaint, you are also supposed to be served with a “proposed” judgment. If you are served in a timely fashion AND you don’t respond, then that proposed judgment becomes the “actual” judgment. But what happens if you are not served in a timely fashion? Do they fix it so you are not prejudiced unnecessarily as provided for in the Family Code? Not usually!
Here is what we want you to do. If you were served with a judgment from the LCSA and right away, with that initial judgment, you were charged more than three months of support, we want you to call us right away to have your case reviewed. We may be able to help you.
You can call us regardless what your issue is. However, definitely call us if it meets the mentioned criteria. While we are reviewing your judgment, we will be sure to review for other errors as well.
We offer free consultations, which means you get some of the legal answers you need free of charge. Let our firm help with your case at no cost to you.
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